АТХ классификация — группы на латинскую букву «H»
Разделы, подразделы, группы, подгруппы, коды Анатомо-терапевтическо-химической классификации, начинающиеся на латинскую букву «H».
- Hachimycin (D01AA03)
- Hachimycin (G01AA06)
- Hachimycin (J02AA02)
- Haemophilus influenza B, combinations with meningococcus C,Y, conjugated (J07AG54)
- Halazepam (N05BA13)
- Halcinonide (D07AD02)
- Halofantrine (P01BX01)
- Halogenated hydrocarbons (N01AB)
- Halometasone (D07AC12)
- Haloperidol (N05AD01)
- Haloprogin (D01AE11)
- Halothane (N01AB01)
- Hederae helicis folium (R05CA12)
- Hedgehog pathway inhibitors (L01XJ)
- Helium (V03AN03)
- Heme products (B06AB)
- Hemin (B06AB01)
- Hemodialytics, concentrates (B05ZA)
- Hemofiltrates (B05ZB)
- Hemoglobin crosfumaril (B05AA08)
- Hemoglobin glutamer (bovine) (B05AA10)
- Hemoglobin raffimer (B05AA09)
- Hemophilus influenzae B and hepatitis B (J07CA08)
- Hemophilus influenzae B and poliomyelitis (J07CA04)
- Hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with meningococcus C, conjugated (J07AG53)
- Hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with pertussis and toxoids (J07AG52)
- Hemophilus influenzae B, combinations with toxoids (J07AG51)
- Hemophilus influenzae B, purified antigen conjugated (J07AG01)
- Hemophilus influenzae B vaccines (J07AG)
- Heparin (B01AB01)
- Heparin (C05BA03)
- Heparin, combinations (B01AB51)
- Heparin, combinations (C05BA53)
- Heparin group (B01AB)
- Heparin (S01XA14)
- Heparinoid, combinations (C05BA51)
- Heparins or heparinoids for topical use (C05BA)
- Hepatitis A immunoglobulin (J06BB11)
- Hepatitis A, inactivated, whole virus (J07BC02)
- Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (J06BB04)
- Hepatitis B, purified antigen (J07BC01)
- Hepatitis vaccines, combinations (J07BC20)
- Hepatitis vaccines (J07BC)
- Heptabarbital (N05CA11)
- Heptaminol (C01DX08)
- Hetacillin (J01CA18)
- Hexachlorophene (D08AE01)
- Hexafluronium (M03AC05)
- Hexamidine (D08AC04)
- Hexamidine (R01AX07)
- Hexamidine (R02AA18)
- Hexamidine (S01AX08)
- Hexamidine (S03AA05)
- Hexaminolevulinate (V04CX06)
- Hexapropymate (N05CM10)
- Hexetidine (A01AB12)
- Hexetidine (G01AX16)
- Hexobarbital (N01AF02)
- Hexobarbital (N05CA16)
- Hexobendine (C01DX06)
- Hexocyclium (A03AB10)
- Hexoprenaline (R03AC06)
- Hexoprenaline (R03CC05)
- Hexylresorcinol (R02AA12)
- Hidrosmin (C05CA05)
- High-ceiling diuretics and potassium-sparing agents (C03EB)
- Hippocastani semen (C05CX03)
- Histamine dihydrochloride (L03AX14)
- Histamine phosphate (V04CG03)
- Histapyrrodine, combinations (R06AC52)
- Histapyrrodine (R06AC02)
- Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors (L01XH)
- Histrelin (L02AE05)
- Hyaluronic acid, combinations (S01KA51)
- Hyaluronic acid (D03AX05)
- Hyaluronic acid (M09AX01)
- Hyaluronic acid (R01AX09)
- Hyaluronic acid (S01KA01)
- Hyaluronidase (B06AA03)
- Hydantoin derivatives (N03AB)
- Hydralazine and diuretics (C02LG02)
- Hydralazine (C02DB02)
- Hydrazides (J04AC)
- Hydrazinophthalazine derivatives and diuretics (C02LG)
- Hydrazinophthalazine derivatives (C02DB)
- Hydrochloric acid (A09AB03)
- Hydrochloric acid (B05XA13)
- Hydrochlorothiazide and potassium (C03AB03)
- Hydrochlorothiazide and potassium-sparing agents (C03EA01)
- Hydrochlorothiazide (C03AA03)
- Hydrochlorothiazide, combinations (C03AX01)
- Hydrocodone and ibuprofen (N02AJ23)
- Hydrocodone and paracetamol (N02AJ22)
- Hydrocodone (R05DA03)
- Hydrocortisone (A01AC03)
- Hydrocortisone (A07EA02)
- Hydrocortisone aceponate (D07AC16)
- Hydrocortisone and antibiotics (D07CA01)
- Hydrocortisone and antiinfectives (S01CA03)
- Hydrocortisone and antiinfectives (S02CA03)
- Hydrocortisone and antiinfectives (S03CA04)
- Hydrocortisone and antiseptics (D07BA04)
- Hydrocortisone and mydriatics (S01BB01)
- Hydrocortisone buteprate (D07AB11)
- Hydrocortisone butyrate and antiseptics (D07BB04)
- Hydrocortisone butyrate (D07AB02)
- Hydrocortisone (C05AA01)
- Hydrocortisone, combinations (D07XA01)
- Hydrocortisone, combinations (R01AD60)
- Hydrocortisone (D07AA02)
- Hydrocortisone (H02AB09)
- Hydrocortisone (S01BA02)
- Hydrocortisone (S01CB03)
- Hydrocortisone (S02BA01)
- Hydroflumethiazide and potassium (C03AB02)
- Hydroflumethiazide (C03AA02)
- Hydroflumethiazide, combinations (C03AH02)
- Hydrogen peroxide (A01AB02)
- Hydrogen peroxide (D08AX01)
- Hydrogen peroxide (D11AX25)
- Hydrogen peroxide (S02AA06)
- Hydromorphone and antispasmodics (N02AG04)
- Hydromorphone and naloxone (N02AA53)
- Hydromorphone (N02AA03)
- Hydroquinidine (C01BA13)
- Hydroquinine (M09AA01)
- Hydroquinone (D11AX11)
- Hydrotalcite (A02AD04)
- Hydroxocobalamin (B03BA03)
- Hydroxocobalamin, combinations (B03BA53)
- Hydroxocobalamin (V03AB33)
- Hydroxycarbamide (L01XX05)
- Hydroxychloroquine (P01BA02)
- Hydroxyethyl starch (B05AA07)
- Hydroxyethylpromethazine, combinations (R06AD55)
- Hydroxyethylpromethazine (R06AD05)
- Hydroxyprogesterone and estrogen (G03FA02)
- Hydroxyprogesterone (G03DA03)
- Hydroxyquinoline derivatives (P01AA)
- Hydroxyzine, combinations (N05BB51)
- Hydroxyzine (N05BB01)
- Hymecromone (A05AX02)
- Hyoscyamine (A03BA03)
- Hyoscyamine and psycholeptics (A03CB31)
- Hyperici herba (N06AX25)
- Hypertonic solutions (B05DB)
- Hypnotics and sedatives in combination, excl. Barbiturates (N05CX)
- Hypromellose (S01KA02)