Авипендекин пэгол
Avipendekin pegolМНН
Rec. INN (наименование, зарегистрированное ВОЗ)
Химическое название
human L-methionyl-interleukin 15, produced in Escherichia coli, pegylated at N2 of Met1 and N6 of Lys residues with 4-[α-methylpoly(oxyethylene)-ω-oxy]butanoyl groups;
L-methionyl-interleukin 15 (human, non-glycosylated), produced in Escherichia coli, substituted on an average of one site among N2 of Met1 and/or N6 of lysyl residues with 4-[α-methylpoly(oxyethylene)- ω-oxy]butanoyl groups (~40 kDa each)
L-methionyl-interleukin 15 (human, non-glycosylated), produced in Escherichia coli, substituted on an average of one site among N2 of Met1 and/or N6 of lysyl residues with 4-[α-methylpoly(oxyethylene)- ω-oxy]butanoyl groups (~40 kDa each)
Химическая формула
n ≈ 900, x ≈ 1
n ≈ 900, x ≈ 1
Иностранные названия
- Avipendekinum pegolum (латинское)
- Avipendekin pegol (английское)
- Avipendekin pegol (немецкое)
- Avipendékine pégol (французское)
- Avipendekina pegol (испанское)
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