


Rec. INN (наименование, зарегистрированное ВОЗ)

Химическое название

fusion protein consisting of two identical engineered ankyrin repeats-containing binding protein domains anti-(human albumin) (1-126 fused via peptidyl linker 127GSPTPTPTTPTPTPTTPTPTPT148 to 149-274), fused via peptidyl linker 275GSPTPTPTTPTPTPTTPTPTPT296 to three engineered ankyrin repeats-containing binding protein domains anti-(three different epitopes of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein) (297-455 fused via peptidyl linker 456GSPTPTPTTPTPTPTTPTPTPT477 to 478-636 in turn fused via peptidyl linker 637GSPTPTPTTPTPTPTTPTPTPT658 to 659-817), produced in Escherichia coli;
fusion protein comprising five engineered protein-binding ankyrin repeat protein domains: two identical human serum albumin (HSA)-binding 126-peptides 1-126 and 149-274 plus three different 159-peptides 297-455, 478-636 and 659-817 that bind to three different epitopes of the spike glycoprotein (S protein, S1S2 protein) of SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2), connected by four GS(PT)3T(PT)3T(PT)3 22-peptide linkers 127-148, 275-296, 456­477 and 637-658, produced in Escherichia coli


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