Rec. INN (наименование, зарегистрированное ВОЗ)
Химическое название
human L-methionyl vasoactive intestinal peptide (2-29) fused to 121 repeats of different elastin-derived pentapeptides (VPGVG, VPGGG, VPGAG, VPGWP) (30- 634), produced in Escherichia coli;
fusion protein comprising L-methionyl (1)-vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (human VIP) (2-29) and an elastin-like artificial polymer (30-629) of 120 alternating pentapeptides of three types VPGVG, VPGGG, and VPGAG, and a C-terminal pentapeptide VPGWP (630-634), produced in Escherichia coli
fusion protein comprising L-methionyl (1)-vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (human VIP) (2-29) and an elastin-like artificial polymer (30-629) of 120 alternating pentapeptides of three types VPGVG, VPGGG, and VPGAG, and a C-terminal pentapeptide VPGWP (630-634), produced in Escherichia coli
Иностранные названия
- Pemziviptadilum (латинское)
- Pemziviptadil (английское)
- Pemziviptadil (немецкое)
- Pemziviptadil (французское)
- Pemziviptadil (испанское)
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