Rec. INN (наименование, зарегистрированное ВОЗ)
Химическое название
heparan sulfate mimetic compound that is obtained by N-des-sulfo and N-acetyl reactions on heparin from porcine intestinal mucosa, sodium periodate glycol split oxidation of uronic acids elements and sodium borohydride reduction of aldehydes produced during oxidation; the majority of the components have a glucuronic acid (coming from the heparin starting material) and glucosamine (formed via decomposition of the glucuronic acid) structure at the nonreducing end and iduronic acid 2-sulphate or glycol split structure at the reducing end of their chain; the average molecular weight range is 15000 to 25000 Da; the degree of glycol split is about 25% [m/(n+m)] and the degree of sulfatation is about 1.2 per disaccharidic unit
Химическая формула
Молярная масса
858,7 г/моль
Иностранные названия
- Roneparstatum (латинское)
- Roneparstat (английское)
- Roneparstat (немецкое)
- Ronéparstat (французское)
- Roneparstat (испанское)
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