Семулопарин натрия
Semuloparin sodiumМНН
Rec. INN (наименование, зарегистрированное ВОЗ)
USAN (наименование, принятое к употреблению в США)
Химическое название
sodium salt of a low molecular mass heparin that is obtained by phosphazene promoted depolymerization of heparin from porcine intestinal mucosa; the majority of the components have a 4-deoxy-2-O-sulfo-α-L-threo-hex-4-enopyranosuronic acid structure at the non-reducing end and a 2-deoxy-6-O-sulfo-2-(sulfoamino)-D-glucopyranose structure at the reducing end of their chain; the molecular mass is defined by a repartition, no more than 40% is inferior to 1600 and no more than 11% is superior to 4500 Daltons, and by a mass-average value comprised between 2000 and 3000 Daltons; the degree of sulfatation is about 2.0 per disaccharidic unit
Молярная масса
2000–3000 г/моль (в среднем)
Иностранные названия
- Semuloparinum natricum (латинское)
- Semuloparin sodium (английское)
- Semuloparin natrium (немецкое)
- Sémuloparine sodique (французское)
- Semuloparina sódica (испанское)
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